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Cannot handle this routed status report.

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Author Post
Jan 2012
Location: Malaysia
Operating system name and version: Ubuntu 13.04
Version of smsd: 3.1.15
Smsd installed from: smstools3 package
Name and model of a modem / phone: WAVECOM MULTIBAND 900E 1800
Interface: USB

I'm using the same configuration of other pc(which works perfectly) for this new laptop,

But there are several errors with this modem:

<- +CME ERROR: 4 (operation not supported)
2)Cannot handle this routed status report. You MUST DISABLE status report routing with modem settings.
acm7: <- +CME ERROR: 4

Jan 2012
Location: Malaysia
Topic owner
...continue with new log file:

And received this incoming message:

I tried with other solutions of other thread,but still facing this problem.
I able to send and receive sms.
Please help?Thank you.

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