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text mode option

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Feb 2014
Location: Canada
Operating system name and version: Ubuntu 12.04.4 LT, x86_64
Version of smsd: 3.1.15
Smsd installed from: sources
Name and model of a modem / phone: MicroHard IPn4G
Interface: serial

My modem only support sms messages in text mode, not PDU. Therefore, I added the option 'sms_mode' in the conf file for this device. In this case, the GSM character conversion must be disabled.

For more details on the other options, check my previous thread.

Basically, the patch reads the sms_mode in the conf file. In text mode, make_pdu() isn't used and the message buffer is copied as is.

Jun 2016
Location: ROME, Italy
I think I have the same issue with my gprs modem which is a Siemens MC55 and supports only AT+CMGF=1 for text mode, pdu mode is not supported by this modem.
Can I have instructions for applying this patch to my system ?


Operating system name and version: Debian 8.3, x86_64
Version of smsd: 3.1.15
Smsd installed from: standard repository
Name and model of a modem / phone: Siemens MC55
Interface: serial

Feb 2014
Location: Canada
Topic owner
Not sure I understand your difficulty.
It's been a while, but we're running the version of smsd, so Linux patch tool should be able to apply the fix on source.
Then you'll probably need to insert your CMGF somewhere.
Does that help?

Jun 2016
Location: ROME, Italy
I am not using the source but the debian repository package.

Feb 2014
Location: Canada
Topic owner
It's complicated to support so many different modems. However, the download page shows a recent 3.1.16 beta version which may address this in a better way.

No matter if you try 3.1.16 or patch 3.1.15, you have no choice but downloading the source and rebuild.
Looking at the Makefile, it should be straight forward:

Just make sure the package is removed before you install the custom tool.

Jun 2016
Location: ROME, Italy
sorry I don't understand this point, there are many modems yes, but only two options CMGF=0 and CMGF=1.
Can you tell instructions to patch the program ?


Jun 2016
Location: ROME, Italy
pkeroulas wrote
It's complicated to support so many different modems. However, the download page shows a recent 3.1.16 beta version which may address this in a better way.

No matter if you try 3.1.16 or patch 3.1.15, you have no choice but downloading the source and rebuild.
Looking at the Makefile, it should be straight forward:

Just make sure the package is removed before you install the custom tool.

I have installed 3.1.16, it doesn't seem to solve the problem

Jun 2016
Location: ROME, Italy
Well, I have attempted to apply your patch by hand. didn't change the behavior of the program. So I have taken drastical path: simply replaced AT+CMGF=0 to AT+CMGF=1 in "Selecting PDU mode" in modeminit I think, this resolved my issue.

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