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Event handler if modem is disconnected

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Author Post
Apr 2014
Location: Russian Federation
Ubuntu Linux precise1 12.04 LTS:
Smsd installed from: package repository
USB modem Huawei e1550:
Interface: USB

We have built some monitoring system server.
All everything allright, it's work.
But sometimes my modem hangs, and I have message in log liked this: modem is not registered.
It's not problem, I get event about this accross event handler of smstools.
If modem is disconnected from server (etc. because wrong config smsd.conf, where change USB port), how I can known about it? By event or something else?
Thanks in advance!

Apr 2014
Location: Russian Federation
Topic owner
Hello, All! :)

The answer to my question I find in the related topic:
how to detect if usb modem is dead/unresposible?

Link to original docs:
Alarm handler

I use Perl for programming, and therefore use script liked to the following:

Thank you for your attention!

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