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Which port to set in smsd.conf

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Jul 2013
Location: United States of America
I am trying to use SmsTools with Raspberry pi B+ and 4 GSM dongles.
In lsusb I see 4 devices, look ok to me

But ls -alh /deb/ttyUSB* shows 12 USB devices, it ads 3 for every dongle I connect:

So what ports should I setup in smsd.conf ? Because I am not sure why I have more ports for one dongle.
Are the extra ports there because of the sd card adapter on each dongle ? I tried checking/disable with usb_modeswitch without much success. I did disable the CD emulator feature and in Windows it doesn't load a CD anymore.

Operating system name and version: Raspbian on Raspberry pi
Version of smsd: smstools3-3.1.15.tar.gz
Smsd installed from: sources
Name and model of a modem / phone: Huawei 3G dongle K3765
Interface: USB

Jul 2013
Location: United States of America
Topic owner
I still need some help, anyone ?

An update ...
Each dongle I connect adds 3 usb interfaces, first one would add: ttyUSB0, ttyUSB1, tyyUSB2, then when I connect all 4 dongles I get up to ttyUSB11.
If I wait a few seconds after connecting each device, then first device is always the valid one to send SMS, for example with 4 dongles connected my SMS interfaces would be:

ttyUSB0, ttyUSB3, ttyUSB6, ttyUSB9

Now the problem is that when system reboots or if I connect all dongles at once, the ports/interfaces mix and I cannot know which one to use in order to send messages.

Is there a way to disable the other 2 interfaces of each dongle by default ? I am not sure what the other 2 are.

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