Dear people of SMStools3. I used your soft some years ago without any problem, but my laptop crashes and I lost the files.
Today I want to reload the app and made the same instructions of the past years, but I find the following message when I try to compile the soft.
I tried three differents times with the same result.
¿can you help me with that?. The following is the result obtained:
Carlos@Carlos-PC /usr/src/smstools3
$ make
cd src && make -
make[1]: se entra en el directorio \'/usr/src/smstools3/src\'
Makefile:51: *** las instrucciones comenzaron antes del primer objetivo. Alto.
make[1]: se sale del directorio \'/usr/src/smstools3/src\'
Makefile:10: fallo en las instrucciones para el objetivo \'compile\'
make: *** [compile] Error 2
Best regards and thanks for your answer
Carlos Azagra