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[solved] Failed sms

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Author Post
Nov 2016
Location: Russian Federation
Operating system name and version: FreeBSD 10.2
Version of smsd: smstools3-3.1.15
Smsd installed from: package repository
Name and model of a modem / phone: gps modem wavecom fastrack m1306b
Interface: serial

Hi! (sorry for my bad english)
It is impossible to send SMS. In a manual mode, without use of smstools SMS send successfully (but in the at+cmgf=1 mode) with this modem.
Smstools give the following error message and remove sms-file from checked to failed folder.



what can it be? where error?
I will be grateful for any help

Nov 2016
Location: Russian Federation
Topic owner
There was a problem in the SIM card. Sending SMS works

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