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[solved] Spaces following special chars are deleted

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Author Post
Aug 2017
Location: France
Hi everyone !

We're taking up a project using your software. It's really cool, but a a bug is still bothering us : every space following a special character is deleted on the received SMS.

For example, this mail :
"Foo content é ç à à "

will end up like this :
"Foo content éçàà"

Our users being French, this is a problem...
Our version is up to date, by the way.

Any help would be very welcome ! :)

May 2009
Location: Jyväskylä, Finland
Was this problematic SMS sent by smsd, or by another device or service?

Did you have loglevel = 7 in the smsd.conf, so received PDU can be seen in the smsd.log?

For the next test you could use a global settings:
store_received_pdu = 3
store_sent_pdu = 3

so the PDU can taken from the message file.

I need to see that PDU, and also you could show the smsd.conf.

Aug 2017
Location: France
Topic owner
Hi keke, thanks for your reply !

I have
loglevel = 7
store_received_pdu = 1

Her is the smsd.conf content :

I'm not sure about what the PDU is, would the last log help ? here it is :

I hope this makes sense :)

Aug 2017
Location: France
Topic owner
Hi keke !

Sorry for the delay.
We tried another test with the recommended parameters, here's what stands out of the log file :

Does this mean anything to you ?

May 2009
Location: Jyväskylä, Finland
How do you create outgoing files?

You could test once again, with the original text:
"Foo content é ç à à "

Create the file with editor, and show the result.

Aug 2017
Location: France
Topic owner
We create outgoing files directly via Putty, to send them to the server.

We just figured out what was wrong : a program called mailtoSMS was supressing spaces after the mail was sent but before being received by SMStools.

We commented the function in charge of 'deleting space after non-word special characters', and it all went well.

Other special chars are still removed (like ô) or replaced (ç by Ç), but we learnt on one of your topic that they are not part of the GSM alphabet, so there's nothing we can do about it.

Thank you for your replies, and have a good day :)

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