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When exactly triggered Event Sent,Failed

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Author Post
Jan 2010
Location: Slovak Republic
Version of smsd: Version 3.1.21


when exactly is triggered:

SENT: after modem said, that sending operation was done sucessfully? Or before sms is actually sent by mode?

FAILED: after modem done last sending retry without success?

Thank you

May 2009
Location: Jyväskylä, Finland
Eventhandler is executed after the action is complete, or completely failed. Another important thing is that the message file which was given to the eventhandler is also complete, and smstools does not do anything to it anymore.

May 2009
Location: Jyväskylä, Finland
Eventhandler is executed after the action is complete, or completely failed. Another important thing is that the message file which was given to the eventhandler is also complete, and smstools does not do anything to it anymore.

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