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Force Network Registration

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Author Post
Jun 2018
Location: bratisalva, Slovak Republic
Operating system name and version: ubuntu - Linux intel 4.13.0-37-generic #42~16.04.1-Ubuntu SMP
Version of smsd: v3.1.15
Smsd installed from: ubuntu package
Name and model of a modem / phone: Huawei E3131
Interface: USB

When i start the smstool daemon i keep getting this:

2018-06-18 10:45:51,2, smsd: Smsd v3.1.15 started.
2018-06-18 10:45:51,2, smsd: Running as smsd:dialout.
2018-06-18 10:45:51,4, smsd: File mode creation mask: 022 (0644, rw-r--r--).
2018-06-18 10:45:58,3, GSM1: Error: registration is denied.
2018-06-18 10:45:58,2, GSM1: Modem handler 0 terminated abnormally. PID: 5292.

NOTE: I tested the sim on my phone and registers ok, the only catch perhaps is that i'm abroad and so the sim / provider must roaming. (I'm in Slovakia, the sim is from Spain).

I tested the modem to see what networks it detects and i get this:

root@intel:/var/spool/sms# smsd -C GSM1
Communicating with GSM1. ( Press Ctrl-C to abort. )
( If you need to send Ctrl-Z, change the suspend character first, like stty susp \^N )
Default device is /dev/ttyUSB0
Press Enter to start or type an another device name.

Opening device /dev/ttyUSB0


+COPS: (1,"O2 - SK","O2 - SK","23106",2),(1,"Orange SK","Orange","23101",2),(1,"T-Mobile SK","TMO SK","23102",2),(1,"Orange SK","Orange","23101",0),(1,"O2 - SK","O2 - SK","23106",0),(1,"T-Mobile SK","TMO SK","23102",0),,(0,1,2,3,4),(0,1,2)

+COPS: 0


NOTE: When i plug the SIM on my Phone it connects to the operator "Orange SK"

My config at smsd.conf looks like this:

root@intel:~# cat /etc/smsd.conf | grep -v ^#

devices = GSM1
outgoing = /var/spool/sms/outgoing
checked = /var/spool/sms/checked
incoming = /var/spool/sms/incoming
logfile = /var/log/smstools/smsd.log
infofile = /var/run/smstools/smsd.working
pidfile = /var/run/smstools/
outgoing = /var/spool/sms/outgoing
checked = /var/spool/sms/checked
failed = /var/spool/sms/failed
incoming = /var/spool/sms/incoming
sent = /var/spool/sms/sent
stats = /var/log/smstools/smsd_stats
receive_before_send = no
autosplit = 3

device = /dev/ttyUSB0
baudrate = 9600
incoming = yes
report = no
check_memory_method = 2
signal_quality_ber_ignore = yes
decode_unicode_text = yes

NOTE: I'm really not sure how to continue .. the sim works (i can send/receive sms on my phone and on the usb modem using my mac) ... any idea anyone?


« Last edit by longint on Mon Jun 18, 2018 09:12, 75 months ago. »
Jun 2018
Location: bratisalva, Slovak Republic
Topic owner
I tested with another SIM from Slovakia (so the modem does not need to roam) and it worked i just need to learn how to tell the modem to force a network.

Does anyone know how this AT commands work or any reference?

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