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SMS tools package submission to RHEL 8 EPEL repo

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Author Post
May 2024
Location: Stevenage, United Kingdom
Operating system name and version: RHEL 8
Version of smsd: 3.1.21
Smsd installed from: nowhere yet...
Name and model of a modem / phone: nokia
Interface: USB serial


We are currently moving from a RHEL 7 machine to a RHEL 8 machine for our SMStools gateway. We noticed that there is no package for smstools3 in the RHEL8 EPEL repository. Redhat have told us that the submission of a RHEL8 package must be done by the package owner. Whilst we have managed to build a copy of the existing RHEL7 source pacakge code of 3.1.15 for RHEL8 ourselves (we can only use verified packages from RHEL EPEL) we would like to use 3.1.21.

Would it be possible for @keke to submit a RHEL 8 RPM build into the repo please?


May 2024
Location: Stevenage, United Kingdom
Topic owner
FYI I have a RHEL8 binary and source RPM built already if you just want me to send it to someone who CAN submit it to EPEL.


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