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Initial script fails using mounted usb drive to store all sms folders

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Jun 2024
Location: Spain
Operating system name and version: Raspberry Pi 3B running Raspbian Bullseye
Version of smsd: 3.1.21-4
Smsd installed from: sudo apt-get install smstools
Name and model of a modem / phone: ZTE 110
Interface: /dev/ttyUSB4

Hello there. First post here, but I promise I have been reading, reviewed the slideshow, checked github for the documentation and used the forum search. I just might have been unluky or clumsy though.

I installed and configured my smstools3 service on the raspi, while moving most folders to an external usb drive so the SD card won't wear out too soon. I am building a manager for my arduino iot devices on my farm, reporting back with SMS each sample they get.

My smsd setup seems to be unstable at least and not starting if I do not add the "executable_check = no" to my configuration file. The error I get without the "not check" option is as simple as it is wrong: smsd: ! sh: 1: /mnt/Trascend4G/spool/sms/incoming/smsd_script.YvdfOz: Permission denied

So, the error does not make sense, but it is obviously not completely cosmetic because when not run the check script, I have received and sent some SMSs but fails and hangs very often. Also, I could not find a complete list of the options at the smsd config file so my trials have been very limited. Chat GPT insists on permissions. Any clue what could be wrong?

My smsd.conf follows:

BTW, I changed the dongle from storage mode to modem mode with wvdial, here goes its config just in case it could be related (doubtfull, but since I do not know what is going on...).

« Last edit by jamartinezdlv on Sat Jun 29, 2024 13:17, 2 months ago. »
Jun 2024
Location: Spain
Topic owner
Found the list of options for the config file. It was right there under my nose. Going through it now.

Still, I do not think it is related to the config itself but the moved filesystem. Any hint would be appreciated. Thanks for your time reading this.

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