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[outdated] Connecting Modem ONDA N101E

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Author Post
Apr 2010
Location: Verona, Italy
Operating system name and version: Debian
Version of smsd: 3.1.6
Smsd installed from: sources
Name and model of a modem / phone: ONDA N101E
Interface: USB

Hi I'm new of this site and I would like to say hallo to all!
Next, here my question: I have to connect my USB Modem ONDA N101E to my machine, for receiving SMS. When I connect it to the USB port, dmesg says:

Next, I configure the device to smsd.conf file:

device = /dev/ttyUSB0
voicecall_hangup_ath = yes
hangup_incoming_call = yes
voicecall_ignore_modem_response = yes
regular_run_interval = 300
#regular_run_cmd = AT+CSQ?
regular_run_logfile = /var/log/smsd_run.log
#regular_run_loglevel = 7
#SPECIFY INCOMING PRIORITY 0 disable 1 low 2 High
incoming = 2
queues = master
baudrate = 115200
rtscts = yes
cs_convert = yes
decode_unicode_text = yes
internal_combine = yes
eventhandler = /etc/sms/scripts/eventhandler
'smsdconf' Syntax Highlight powered by GeSHi

Then I restart smsd daemon, and when I receive a SMS to that device, I read these lines on smsd.log file:

What can I do to configure my modem?
Have I to change the smsd.conf file?

Thanks in advance

« Last edit by keke on Mon May 03, 2010 14:50, 174 months ago. »
May 2009
Location: Jyväskylä, Finland
The version of your smsd is not 3.0, it's at least 3.1.5, right?

That kind of a device should just work without any special settings required. You could try with a different baudrate, like 19200, if it makes any difference.

Then I restart smsd daemon, and when I receive a SMS to that device, I read these lines on smsd.log file:

Do you mean that all of the communication is ok after starting the smsd (using loglevel = 7), but when a message is received, the modem stops answering? This sounds strange, and may mean that your device is somehow broken, or has a bad firmware.

Apr 2010
Location: Verona, Italy
Topic owner
Hi. Thanks for your help.
I attached the device once again, and dmesg says:

Next I set the log level to 7, and baudrate to 19200. That's what log files says when I start smsd:

What can I do? Thanks a lot

May 2009
Location: Jyväskylä, Finland
Try with baudrate = 230400. If it does not help. I do not know what to do... :(

Apr 2010
Location: Verona, Italy
Topic owner
Great! It works!!!!!!!
Thanks thanks thanks!

Now I try with something more difficult: connecting more than 1 ONDA N101E!
I have a Hub USB that allows me to connect up to 7 usb using only 1 usb port. It's the "D-LINK DUB-H7 USB 2.0 Hub".
Do you think that I will do it? Stay tuned! :D

Thanks a lot ...

Apr 2010
Location: Verona, Italy
Topic owner
Hi. I tryed to connect more than 1 ONDA N101E, and when I try to connect 4 modem it says:

How can I fix it?
Thanks in advance
Best Regards

May 2009
Location: Jyväskylä, Finland
You have not changed the src/Makefile? There is a NUMBER_OF_MODEMS setting which defaults to 64.

What is your devices setting? Is it like devices = GSM1, GSM2, GSM3, GSM4 ?

Apr 2010
Location: Verona, Italy
Topic owner
No, I have not changed it. Where can I find that file?
And Yes, My devices are sets like GSM1, GSM2, GSM3 and GSM4.

Thanks a lot

Apr 2010
Location: Verona, Italy
Topic owner
Sorry, Let me explain about src/Makefile:

I have not compiled the SmsTools3, a friend of mine compiled it (and I don't know if he used the options NUMBER_OF_MODEMS). Have I to re-compile it using the properties NUMBER_OF_MODEMS=64?
Thanks in advance
Best regards

May 2009
Location: Jyväskylä, Finland
I have not compiled the SmsTools3, a friend of mine compiled it (and I don't know if he used the options NUMBER_OF_MODEMS). Have I to re-compile it using the properties NUMBER_OF_MODEMS=64?

If that was changed, you have to change it back or bigger and then recompile.

Sources are under /usr/local/src directory, or somewhere else. If you cannot locate where the sources are, download a new package or ask from your friend. ;)

May 2009
Location: Jyväskylä, Finland
Is your system working now?

If the sources are still lost, you can find them with a command updatedb; locate -b '\smsd.c' ...

Apr 2010
Location: Verona, Italy
Topic owner
Hi. I have re-compiled it, and I have a new error message that block smsd daemon.
I have try to connect a 4th modem, and it is well connected to ttyUSB2. So the situation on my machine is this:

1 internal modem mounted on ttyS1
1 external modem Falcom Twist mounted on ttyUSB0
1 external modem ONDA N101E mounted on ttyUSB1
1 external modem ONDA N101E mounted on ttyUSB2

When I try to configure 4 modem on smsd.conf, the daemon smsd does't start. It says:

I try to use only 3 modems and it works (both with ttyS1-ttyUSB0-ttyUSB1 or ttyS1-ttyUSB0-ttyUSB2). I try to connect the modem ttyUSB1 on ttyUSB2 (and viceversa) and works only with 3 modems (it does'nt work when in smsd.conf I write to work with 4 modem).

What can I do? Where can be the problem?

Here is the smsd.conf file:

devices = GSM1,GSM2,GSM3,GSM4
logfile = /var/log/smsd.log
loglevel = 5
internal_combine = yes
outgoing = /mnt/flash/spool/outgoing
incoming = /mnt/flash/spool/incoming
sent = /mnt/flash/spool/sent
mypath = /mnt/flash/etc/sms/
autosplit = 3
blocktime = 3
errorsleeptime = 3

device = /dev/ttyS1
voicecall_hangup_ath = yes
hangup_incoming_call = yes
voicecall_ignore_modem_response = yes
regular_run_interval = 300
regular_run_cmd = AT+CSQ?
regular_run_logfile = /var/log/smsd_run_1.log
incoming = 2
queues = master
baudrate = 115200
rtscts = yes
cs_convert = yes
decode_unicode_text = yes
internal_combine = yes

eventhandler = /etc/sms/scripts/eventhandler

device = /dev/ttyUSB0
voicecall_hangup_ath = yes
hangup_incoming_call = yes
voicecall_ignore_modem_response = yes
regular_run_interval = 300
regular_run_cmd = AT+CSQ
regular_run_logfile = /var/log/smsd_run_2.log
incoming = 2
queues = master
baudrate = 115200
rtscts = yes
cs_convert = yes
decode_unicode_text = yes
internal_combine = yes
eventhandler = /etc/sms/scripts/eventhandler

device = /dev/ttyUSB1
voicecall_hangup_ath = yes
hangup_incoming_call = yes
voicecall_ignore_modem_response = yes
regular_run_interval = 300
regular_run_cmd = AT+CSQ
regular_run_logfile = /var/log/smsd_run_3.log
incoming = 2
queues = master
baudrate = 230400
rtscts = yes
cs_convert = yes
decode_unicode_text = yes
internal_combine = yes
eventhandler = /etc/sms/scripts/eventhandler

device = /dev/ttyUSB2
voicecall_hangup_ath = yes
hangup_incoming_call = yes
voicecall_ignore_modem_response = yes
regular_run_interval = 300
regular_run_cmd = AT+CSQ
regular_run_logfile = /var/log/smsd_run_4.log
incoming = 2
queues = master
baudrate = 230400
rtscts = yes
cs_convert = yes
decode_unicode_text = yes
internal_combine = yes
eventhandler = /etc/sms/scripts/eventhandler

master = /mnt/flash/queues/master

master = 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
'smsdconf' Syntax Highlight powered by GeSHi

May 2009
Location: Jyväskylä, Finland
*ERROR: smsdaemon failed to start

There is no that kind of a message by the package. How do you start the smsd and are you using the sms3 script?

The smsd.log should contain information about the failure, what is in there?

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