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SMSTools3 Community » Bug reports Bottom

[fixed in 3.1.14] /bin/sh start test fails

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Author Post
Sep 2010
Location: Czech Republic

when starting smsd from smstools v3.1.12, some tests are being done and one of them fails with "Shell /bin/sh testing failed: Failed to execute test script" and smsd is not started.
It tries to create and execute simple script in /tmp, which I have mounted with noexec flag. I can remount /tmp temporarily before I launch smsd, but it's a bit bothersome to check it each time.

I think more users have /tmp mounted noexec.

May 2009
Location: Jyväskylä, Finland
Thanks for your posting.

I have to move the checking to the another directory in the next version. Perhaps /var/spool/sms/outgoing could be used.

In the meanwhile use a global setting executable_check = no.

Sep 2010
Location: Czech Republic
Topic owner
Thank you. I didn't notice this setting directive.

May 2009
Location: Jyväskylä, Finland
There is now 3.1.14 available including fix for this bug.

You probably do not have sent and failed directories defined in the configuration. If you have, they do not work properly, because there was another bug which will have effect on your system: rename() was used to move file out from /tmp directory, but it does not work when /tmp is on different mount than /var.

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