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[answered] Sudden Error 500

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Author Post
Oct 2010
Location: Sweden
Operating system name and version: Ubuntu 10.04 64-bit
Version of smsd: 3.1.6
Smsd installed from: apt-get
Name and model of a modem / phone: Huawei e1750
Interface: /dev/ttyUSB0


I'm having some weird issues... this morning my modem was working fine, sms and flashes was going out proper... but now in the afternoon it hangs when post AT+CMGS...

This is what the logfile tells me.

Message file

configuration file:

I can seem to find what has gone wrong... I've tried everything from changing baudrates, to trying national_prefixes and even trying to write the file in a non-UTF8 format. If I understand the AT commands properly, shouldn't AT+CMGS= be the phonenumber? why does it fill in "32" instead?

I've rebooted and moved my modem from USB slots...

The same issue arises when trying to send via minicom.

Best regards
Fredrik Eriksson

May 2009
Location: Jyväskylä, Finland
fredrikeriksson wrote
I can seem to find what has gone wrong... I've tried everything from changing baudrates, to trying national_prefixes and even trying to write the file in a non-UTF8 format. If I understand the AT commands properly, shouldn't AT+CMGS= be the phonenumber? why does it fill in "32" instead?

I've rebooted and moved my modem from USB slots...

The same issue arises when trying to send via minicom.

The command AT+CMGS gets a phonenumber when ASCII mode is used. Smstools is using PDU mode and in this case length of PDU is given to the AT+CMGS.

It may be possible that your SIM is expired or broken. You could put it into your handset and try to send some SMS. Also, try to receive SMS using the SIM in Huawei with smstools. You need to define incoming = yes in the configuration for the test.

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