Sorry for the late reply. (:
Check this topic:
email2sms-ucs: international version of email2sms. This script may be useable for you, but in most cases custom script is required. For example some want to send only the subject as SMS and so on.
In the receiving side the SMS can be forwarded to email using an
eventhandler. In the scripts directory of a package there is
smsevent which contains two samples:
#This sends all received SM to an eMail receiver:
if [ "$1" = "RECEIVED" ]; then
/usr/sbin/sendmail username@localhost <$2
'bash' Syntax Highlight powered by GeSHi #This sends all received SM to eMail receiver. The recipient address
#must be the first word of the SM.
if [ "$1" = "RECEIVED" ]; then
receiver=`cat $2 | grep '^.*@.*' | sed -n 1p | cut -f1 -d' '`
if [ $receiver ]; then
/usr/sbin/sendmail $receiver < $2
'bash' Syntax Highlight powered by GeSHi You probably will need a custom script in the receiving side too, but hopefully you can start with existing samples.