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[answered] Best way to process comming sms calls

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Jun 2010
Location: Netherlands
Hi there,

First I want to thank the developers for their wonderful job. Really great tool.
I bought WMOD2 and installed mysql on cygwin (not without pain) and it worked. Pulled data form the DB and send it back to my gf (when she supplied good credentials) Yeaah !!!

I am pretty new to programming so don't be very hard on me if my question is too noobish :-)
At the moment i am designing a Joomla sms client component (for my site) that will communicate to smstools on my home winbox, probably through a XMLRPC (depend on your answer) I wondered what is the best way to process these calls. I want to registered the incoming calls in MySql database (sender, phone, result, time etc.) and to send an update to client if msg delivered or smth like that.

I need an expert opinion (and you guys are definitely such) what will be best server application to process those calls php, bash script... I thought about another Joomla install with server component...
Or is there bash script that could do the job ?

Thanks in advance,

May 2009
Location: Jyväskylä, Finland
With eventhandler you can do any actions required. Eventhandler can be a program or script written in any language. Some samples are using Bash, but you can use PHP as well, it depends on yourself.

Here is a sample eventhandler available for DB handling with MySQL: Sample eventhandler to store messages into SQL database.

Jun 2010
Location: Netherlands
Topic owner
keke thank you so much for the swift answer and example !

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