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[answered] cant delete message

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Author Post
Feb 2011
Location: Philippines
Operating system name and version: windows server 2008
Version of smsd: 3.1.14
Smsd installed from: sources
Name and model of a modem / phone: smartbro hsdpa/edge usb modem
Interface: USB

hi keke,

i have a strange feeling with this, the log file says that it deleted the mesage
but when i open the software that comes up with this modem the messages are there, you need to close the software first, or manually delete the message, i test it too if the software is not running the modem can't send nor received incoming messages, for this, it is necessary that the software is loaded to function the modem.

any advise?

here is the smsd.conf

devices = MELONG
logfile = /var/log/smsd.log
loglevel = 7
failed = /var/spool/sms/failed

device = /dev/com5
incoming = yes
#memory_start = 2
check_memory_method = 3
#pin = 1111

May 2009
Location: Jyväskylä, Finland
I feel strange too... Perhaps the software reads messages and keeps them in it's own memory. But this makes no sense.

From smsd's point of view deleting was done successfully. At 08:04:49 the message was read, at 08:04:50 it was deleted, and at 08:04:51 there was no messages in the modem.

It does not sound good it any other software is using the modem at the same time when smsd is running. If you try to run smsd alone, what is the error?

Feb 2011
Location: Philippines
Topic owner
hi keke,

the smartbro modem came up with a software, if you dont load the software the modem will not function at all, i have tested that before i post, and if you exit the software the, sms was gone. its a kinda weird, as of now, i manually delete the messages because the sim card can hold only 35 messages. i think i have to replace the modem, any suggestion.


May 2009
Location: Jyväskylä, Finland
Do you mean that if you stop the software, the modem port com5 is gone away?

It seems that the SMS was deleted from the SIM. You could ensure this with a setting memory_start = 0, and without check_memory_method. The answer for CPMS will say what exactly is in the SIM.

Perhaps you need a new modem, but I do not recommend any exact manufacturer or model.

Feb 2011
Location: Philippines
Topic owner
yes exactly, how about your personal opinion regarding modem, can you give me the model that you are using now, btw im in the philippines and if the modem is available here i can get one. please.

May 2009
Location: Jyväskylä, Finland
I'm using lots of modems on different systems, but as said, I do not recommend any exact manufacturer or model. It is a matter of principle, I'm not a reseller.

There is one exception on this board, check this topic: GSM Modem BenQ M32 from Dealextreme. This modem is very cheap, available worldwide, and works pretty well, especially when comparing to the price. It has some limitations, but the price is so good that such device could be kept even as a spare modem.

Feb 2011
Location: Philippines
Topic owner
thank you very much keke i will look into that, again thanks, more power and God bless you.

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