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[answered] configure ModemUSB/G10

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Author Post
Mar 2011
Location: Germany
Operating system name and version: Windows XP + Cygwin
Version of smsd:
Smsd installed from: sources
Name and model of a modem / phone: Teltonica MOdemUSB/G10
Interface: USB

I'm new in this thing, I bought a GSM Modem und I want to configure its. I have no idea How to do this. I open the file smsd.conf but I don't really how to configure this for windows xp + cygwin?

Thank you

Best regards

May 2009
Location: Jyväskylä, Finland
Write a global setting (in the begin of smsd.conf, before [GSM1] line) os_cygwin = yes.

In the modem section, after [GSM1], there is a device specified. Use Windows Device Manager to see what COM port is allocated to your modem. For example, if it's COM3, change the setting to device = /dev/com3.

Mar 2011
Location: Germany
Topic owner
Hi keke,

sorry for the late answer, I was seek. So I do this today, it works now!

Thanks you

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