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[answered] Serveral problem after update to Smsd v3.1.14

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Author Post
Mar 2011
Location: Austria
Operating system name and version: SLES 10 SP2
Version of smsd: 3.1.14
Smsd installed from:
Name and model of a modem / phone: Teltonika G10
Interface: USB


after update to smstools 3.1.14 I serveral problems with sending sms. Before I´m using v 2.x and everthings is working fine.
If I create a new message manually with help of the sendsms commad the message is generated and stored in outgoing folder.
After a couple of seconds the message moved to directory checked and a second file with the same name and the suffix .LOCK
is generated. As long as both Files a stored in the check folde the message is send at least three times. After send the third messages
both files are deleted automically. In the log I can´t find any references why the .LOCK is generated. After restart the smsd everything looks normal in the logfile, but if a new message is generated after one minute some error messages appear that indicate a timeout...

Here´s my configuration and Logfile:

devices = GSM1
logfile = /var/log/smsd.log
loglevel = 7

baudrate = 115200
device = /dev/ttyUSB0
incoming = no
cs_convert = yes
pin = 0000
'smsdconf' Syntax Highlight powered by GeSHi

« Last edit by keke on Wed Mar 09, 2011 14:29, 165 months ago. »
May 2009
Location: Jyväskylä, Finland
.LOCK files indicate that the SMS file is "locked" while smsd is handling it.

Do you know if the SMS was received three times? The log shows that the modem answers nothing to the PDU, and therefore smsd tries again. Then the modem answers nothing... I'm not sure what causes this problem, but perhaps you could try with a lower baudrate, like 19200 which is default in v2.

You could also try to unplug the modem, then plug it in again, and start smsd.

Mar 2011
Location: Austria
Topic owner
Ok I see. After a short time the file with the .LOCK suffix disappear again out of the checked directory. But the send_* File still exisist. The SMS messages are received three time. After I change the baudrate to 19200 I get the message that the device was not found or not able to initialze. After changing back the baudrate it connects again. The Modem is installed on a differnt location. So for today I´m no able to change it. But tomorrow morning I´ll try.

Here the log with baudrate = 19200 setting:

May 2009
Location: Jyväskylä, Finland
Fuzzdriver wrote
After a short time the file with the .LOCK suffix disappear again out of the checked directory. But the send_* File still exisist.

After smsd finished handling of the file, with your settings file is deleted and .LOCK file is removed. In the log there should be a line which tells that "Deleted file ...". When you have tested sending, if you have stopped smsd with SIGKILL, smsd's job is not finalized and some files may remain. However, as .LOCK file is removed, I assume that hard killing was not used. In the checked directory there can also be some other send_* files, waiting for sending.

Fuzzdriver wrote
The SMS messages are received three time.

This means that the PDU is sent successfully to the modem, and the modem has sent it to SMSC, but modem did not answer properly to smsd and therefore smsd retries sending. If you system was working well with v2, with the same server, same modem and same interface, you could try a modem setting send_handshake_select = no. If there is a problem with handshaking, this setting may help.

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