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ttyACMx port detection

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Author Post
Dec 2010
Location: Poland
We are using SMS Server Tools for almost a year now and We are very satisfied ;)
Yesterday however again our phone has been disconnected because of connected USB cable flapping causing linux to randomly address USB device under different port ttyACM1 instead of ttyACM0 which exist in the sms.cfg.. :?
We want to script this somehow but maybe such functionality is available already in SMS Tools ?


Nov 2012
Location: Germany
i fixed that by using udev. udev creates a symlink /dev/modem to the most recent device. In the smsd.conf i refer only to /dev/modem. The udev rule in my case is in the file /etc/udev/rules.d/53-persistent-usb-modem.rule:
ACTION!="add|change", GOTO="modem_rules_end"
SUBSYSTEM=="usb_device", GOTO="modem_rules_real"
SUBSYSTEM=="tty", GOTO="modem_rules_real"
SUBSYSTEM!="usb", GOTO="modem_rules_end"

# TTP USB Modem for sending SMS
ATTRS{idVendor}=="0aeb", ATTRS{idProduct}=="0040", SYMLINK+="modem", MODE="664", GROUP="dialout"

If you use a different hardware you have to adjust idVendor and idProduct. Run lsusb to see what you have. I run smsd not as root, therefore the group of the real device is adjusted to a group that the running user (smsd) is member of (dialout). The system i refer here to is a debian squeeze.

hope that helps

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