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Problem with GSM-modem on CentOS 6.2 x86_64

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Author Post
Apr 2012
Location: Russian Federation
Operating system name and version: Cent OS 6.2 x86_64
Version of smsd: 3.1.14
Smsd installed from: package repository
Name and model of a modem / phone: Cinterion/Siemens MC35i
Interface: serial

Our organization using HP ProLiant ML110 G6 server with CentOS 6.2 x86_64 for zabbix monitoring system.
Also we have GSM-modem Siemens MC35i connected by serial port.
Before the server reboot, everything is ok, but after reboot, I have no any answer from modem by serial port.

It have not hangs, because LEDs are blinking.
Powering modem off/on solve this problem, but after next server reboot, we must do it again..
I'm sure that SMS Server Tools on my server works well, but suppose that you could help me.

Sorry for my English, and please help :)

« Last edit by turboon on Fri Apr 27, 2012 07:32, 151 months ago. »
May 2009
Location: Jyväskylä, Finland
Perhaps some process is probing the serial port at reboot, and causes this issue. I do not know how to fix it. Perhaps you could try to change the cable, to the one which has hardware handshaking, but only RTS/CTS connected.

Apr 2011
Location: athens, Greece
Proliants tend to look for monitoring hw connected on serial ports, starting from the bios.
This confuses the mc35 which eventually hangs.

Apart from changing the cable to something minimal, a usb2serial cable which can be configured as virtual comport (preferably fddi chipset) which won't be probed at boot might also be a solution.


Apr 2012
Location: Russian Federation
Topic owner
Big thanks :)

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