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how to simulate a received SMS ?

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Oct 2010
Location: New Caledonia
Hi all,

For a specific case, I would like to simulate a received SMS that will be created then treated by eventhandler.

The easiest way is to use the sendsms command but it will cost me 1 SMS to phone provider.

So I'd like to know if I can create a file containing the SMS so it can be treated by eventhandler.

As my eventhandler only use the From field and SMS content, I've tried to create a file in /var/spool/sms/incoming named GSM1.000001 with this content:

but eventhandler doesn't look at it...
(for sure if I tell eventhandler to test the file, it works : /usr/local/bin/ RECEIVED /var/spool/sms/incoming/GSM1.000001 )

Is there a way to do this or must I send a SMS ?

Thanks in advance for your time.

May 2009
Location: Jyväskylä, Finland
A setting pdu_from_file is for this kind of purposes.

To get the PDU, you need to enable store_received_pdu first. Message in file must be in PDU format, normal text will not work.

Oct 2010
Location: New Caledonia
Topic owner
Thanks Keke ;)

Jul 2012
Location: Russian Federation

I cant understand how to use pdu_from_file. I defined pdu_from_file = /var/spool/sms/PDU.txt in the modem section, created this file with content:

PDU: 079153181111111106BC0C91531832547698609031314174216090313141842100

I start the sms service, but nothing appears in the incoming folder.

Please tell me what's wrong?

May 2009
Location: Jyväskylä, Finland
tpom6oh, what check_memory_method your are using? This pdu_from_file only works with check_memory_method values 0 or 1.

Jul 2012
Location: Russian Federation
I don't defined check_memory_method, so I think it has default value of 1.

Jul 2012
Location: Russian Federation
I tried to define check_memory_method = 1, but nothing changed.

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