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Please help to start SMStool-ing on ASUS N56U

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Author Post
Sep 2015
Location: Kharkov, Ukraine
Dear Community. Please help to start sending messages with SMStools.
I am a newbie, but really want to solve the issue (I need to have alerts in form of SMS)

I have Asus N56U router with custom firmware (Padavan) version
In USB port I have Huawey E1550 (with GSM sim card)
SMSTools was installed from package repository (using command opkg install)

After booting I have following log:

Feb 13 16:54:30 smsd: MAINPROCESS: Smsd v3.1.15 started.
Feb 13 16:54:30 smsd: MAINPROCESS: Running as admin:admin.
Feb 13 16:54:30 smsd: MAINPROCESS: There was 1 error while reading the config file:
Feb 13 16:54:30 smsd: MAINPROCESS: - There are no devices specified.
Feb 13 16:54:30 smsd: MAINPROCESS: Checked directory /opt/var/spool/sms/checked cannot be opened.
Feb 13 16:54:30 smsd: MAINPROCESS: Running startup_check (shell): /opt/var/spool/sms/incoming/smsd_script.DCmVZZ /opt/tmp/smsd_data.c9Ywfj
Feb 13 16:54:30 smsd: MAINPROCESS: Done: startup_check (shell), execution time 0 sec., status: 0 (0)
Feb 13 16:54:30 smsd: MAINPROCESS: There was 2 major problems found.
Feb 13 16:54:30 smsd: MAINPROCESS: Smsd mainprocess terminated.

Interface: serial / USB / some adapter...

Please help me to attach my modem (Huawey E1550 ) to the SMSd
I don't need provider sorting, neither I have many modems,

here is some commands I have from router shell

/opt/home/admin # lsusb
Bus 001 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0002
Bus 002 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0001
Bus 001 Device 002: ID 12d1:1001 ---> here is Huawey router i suppose
Bus 001 Device 003: ID 8564:1000

/opt/home/admin # ls /dev/tty*
/dev/tty /dev/ttyS0
(GSM modem not enabled in the router admin panel) Should I enable it? But I I enable it it tryes to swith me on the 3G modem internet, disconnecting my wired inet

Thanks for any help. Any links are welcomed (I will carefully investigate them)

Sep 2015
Location: Kharkov, Ukraine
Topic owner
Dear Community. Update of the issue.
Thanks God - SMSD is starting after configuring SMSD.conf and enabling modem on /dev/ttyUSB0
But it wont send messages^

/opt/home/admin # sendsms
Destination(s): 068xxxxxxxx
Text: ewewf
Text: ewewf
To: 068xxxxxxxx
/opt/bin/sendsms: line 116: mktemp: not found
/opt/bin/sendsms: line 116: can't create : nonexistent directory
/opt/bin/sendsms: line 116: can't create : nonexistent directory
/opt/bin/sendsms: line 116: can't create : nonexistent directory
/opt/bin/sendsms: line 116: mktemp: not found
BusyBox v1.22.1 (2014-04-12 19:32:26 KRAT) multi-call binary.

Usage: mv [-fin] SOURCE DEST
or: mv [-fin] SOURCE... DIRECTORY

What is IT &&&&& ???? What Am I missing?

Rename SOURCE to DEST, or move SOURCE(s) to DIRECTORY

-f Don't prompt before overwriting
-i Interactive, prompt before overwrite
-n Don't overwrite an existing file

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