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[solved] Motorola L7 didn't receive sms

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Author Post
Oct 2016
Location: Afganistan
OS: CentOS 5.11:
Installed from: smstools3-3.1.15.tar.gz:
Motorola SLVR L7 thru USB:

Hi! I have subj phone and compiled smstools from original tar. Can send sms, but can not receive, having mysterious error 4088. But PDU converter works perfect with messages from log.
So, could somebody help me: what's the right config for that case to receive messages from phone, put them to /var/spool/sms/incoming and delete from phone?



And so on repeating.

Thanks a lot!

« Last edit by berrymorr on Sat Oct 22, 2016 04:34, 94 months ago. »
Oct 2016
Location: Afganistan
Topic owner
Huh, can't edit my post now... O_o
So, some news: 4088 isn't error's number, it's just message number.
Also, there're troubles only with delivery status messages (that said that your message is successfully delivered to recepient's phone), regular messages parsed ok.
I can disable requesting of delivery messages on my phone, but it'll be pretty good to know if sms was successfully delivered or not.

May 2009
Location: Jyväskylä, Finland
Try with 3.1.16beta.

"Invalid first byte of PDU" was caused because there was no SMSC number. However, this number is not mandatory, and the new version accepts PDU without the number.

Oct 2016
Location: Afganistan
Topic owner
keke wrote
Try with 3.1.16beta.

"Invalid first byte of PDU" was caused because there was no SMSC number. However, this number is not mandatory, and the new version accepts PDU without the number.

Thanxs alot, subj beta solved my problem! I would like to thank you for the great tool, too. You did really nice work, man)

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