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how to send sms over lan?

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Feb 2017
Location: Atlantis, Angola
Operating system name and version: ubuntu 14
Version of smsd: 3.1.15
package: sources / package repository / from elsewhere...
Interface: USB

Hello, forgive me my ignorance, but how do I send sms over local network? I have working instalation of smsd on linux server and Im able to send sms by creating text file in outgoing folder.
But now, how can I send message from other servers on local network to smsd instance which will convert it to sms?

May 2009
Location: Jyväskylä, Finland
If you can run web server, here is a solution:
Sample checkhandler to spool messages using another Smstools3 server

Another server runs a script which is shown here.

Feb 2017
Location: Atlantis, Angola
Topic owner
OK, thx for info. And let me ask the obvious....why dont you incorporate such a functionality inside smsd? Even some simple web interface for tapping phone number and message for sending sms for users on local network... This could give smsd as project great push forward.

May 2009
Location: Jyväskylä, Finland
As there are very many web server packages available, it makes no sense to create one more inside the smsd. And after a while, simple interface would not be sufficient. For example PHP has built in web server, and it is easy to create an external script which serves http and creates an outgoing sms files. Those kind of external scripts are also easy to modify and improve by anyone.

If there is some existing web server running on intranet, it could be used. And if there is samba or other file sharing available, users on local network can create sms file directly to the outgoing directory. Also incoming messages can be read, if necessary.

So, thanks for asking, but I will not code web server inside the smsd. ;)

Feb 2017
Location: Atlantis, Angola
Topic owner
well, I wasnt actualy want web server inside bad. I ment more like offer users some simple web script in package together with smsd. Something like(just for example) python -m SimpleHTTPServer /var/spool/sms/web/ Python is base component on every distro so web server...done. Now everything we need is simple FORM in python for sending sms...all done :) and you are best :D

Mar 2017
Location: Austria

I am working at an University and yes there is a need for let´s call it a sms over lan protocol for several reasons. One beeing Monitoring which is usually sending out SMS for important things running smstools3 on the same servers.

At work we actually wrote the first script to do this in 2004 (then still running another tool). The basic protocol is based on how Mail is sent without some special things like sender or CC BC it is just send receiver number message and end with a single ".". This enabled us to keep the internal Webserver away from the Monitoring System and allowed people to send SMS from there.

Last year we decided to do a rewrite of this as a threaded Daemon in C++ capable of dualstack networking with proper implementation of dual stack networking to support our new needs.

It is no big deal to write something like this and if wanted by the developers I could ask at work if I can provide you with code right now I think it is a bit too much of what we need and would need some changes for general use.

May 2009
Location: Jyväskylä, Finland
Thanks, but my son who is studying programming, has already started this job. The solution is using Python, and contains web form and HTTP API.

Mar 2017
Location: Austria
You are welcome.

If input or any kind of experience on this matter is needed feel free to ask.

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