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[answered] Getting the credit for my GSM Network

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Author Post
Oct 2009
Location: santiago, Dominican Republic
How can I get my balance. In my cellular I just put #131# and this send a request to network GSM and I get my balance.
How can I do this from my SMSserver Tools
Can I do this just sending a sms?

Edwin Quijada

May 2009
Location: Jyväskylä, Finland
Some operators may give the balance as an answer for a message containing "SALDO", but this is not a standard. With #131# you need to use USSD.

Please view those two topics: [answered] how to send *#60# command? and [solved] Don't get the get saldo.

If you do not get it working, show the setup and piece of a log file with loglevel = 7.

« Last edit by keke on Wed Nov 18, 2009 19:21, 178 months ago. »

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