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[answered] detecting and acting upon problems...

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Author Post
Dec 2009
Location: Netherlands
Operating system name and version: Ubuntu 9.10 (KK)
Version of smsd: 3.1.3
Smsd installed from: package repository
Name and model of a modem / phone:
Interface: USB


After having solved my 'random' errors in my previous topic everything has been running quite smoothly now for some time.
However.. I've noticed that every now and then.. say.. 1 modem per 14 days will still display the 'Could not send character A, cause: Input/output error'. Usually a simple restart of smstools will fix the problem.

It's not a very serious problem, but it can be annoying at times and i wonder what could cause this. The usbhub is external powered and provides more than enough power for all the modems.

Also.. is it possible for smstools to detect a problem with a modem and act upon it (e.g. bij restarting smstools or re-initialization of the modem)? I could implement some this with some bash and cron, but I'd rather do things the official way.

The background to all this is of course the need for a sms solution that is as stable as possible. It's a bit annoying to keep the logs open at all time in case some random error occurs :)

Kind regards,


May 2009
Location: Jyväskylä, Finland
In some cases USB interface is not so reliable as a traditional RS-232. This depends on the hardware, OS, drivers, etc., and I'm unable to tell how to fix it.

The version 3.1.6 has a "smart_logging" feature. In case of errors, it's easier to detect them from the smsd_trouble.log. See more details from the version history.

The smsd does not monitor itself, the monitoring should be done by the external process.

When an error happens, usually alarmhandler is called. This script can conclude what is happening and decide what to do. For example, if the error is "Could not send character ...", the script can create some "flag-file" and later external job (by cron) can see that restart is required. That external script can also check if restart helped, and if the error remains, some alarm can be sent, for example using e-mail or another SMS server.

There are no "official way" to create watchdogs, because systems are different.

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