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[solved] Character "$" in the SMS is not understood by a device

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Author Post
Mar 2010
Location: Russian Federation
Operating system name and version: FreeBSD 7.1
Version of smsd: 3.1
Smsd installed from: ports
Name and model of a modem / phone: SIM 300
Interface: serial

Hi guys.

I'm trying to manage some GSM-enabled device (GPS Tracker).
In order to send a command I need to create an SMS with next data:

The device receiving this SMS wants to find first "$" character. But instead it gets space " ".

I've tried a lot to tune parameters:
1. Changed charsets in smsd.conf:
# Char sets: +CSCS: ("GSM","HEX","IRA","PCCP","PCDN","UCS2","8859-1")
#init = AT+CSCS="GSM"
2. Set "cs_convert" to both yes/no
3. Set "Alphabet: GSM" at the SMS.

Please advice me what am I doing wrong?

Thanks in advance!


Mar 2010
Location: Russian Federation
Topic owner
Forgot to say that the device is most probably awaiting for the message in 7 bit charset encoding.

I also tried to send the same message to myself (to modem).
1. Alphabet: ISO
"$" is converted into "<A1>".
It seems like Unicode symbol in received massage.

2. Alphabet: GSM
"$" is received as "$".
But the device still does not understand it.


May 2009
Location: Jyväskylä, Finland
Sorry, but I'm unable to imagine what is going wrong :(. Your message just should work...

I tested this issue with a message $field1;field2;etc;&&. It was received correctly with my handset, and also when sent back to the server.

Perhaps your modem is somehow broken, or has some strange settings which cause errors?

When a normal text message is sent, 7 bit charset encoding is used by default. You can write your message using ISO, or UTF-8, smsd will convert it automatically to 7bit. This is what cs_convert is doing. If you disable cs_convert, you must write your message using the GSM alphabet (described here). In both cases, the receiver will receive 7bit alphabet.

Have you tried to send that control message using your handset? Does it make any difference?

If you want to verify your message which is sent by smsd, please do the following:

In the global part of smsd.conf, define:
loglevel = 7
logfile = /var/log/smsd.log

Send one more message to the GPS tracker, and show the part of a log here. When I see the PDU string, I can check what you are actually sending.

Mar 2010
Location: Russian Federation
Topic owner
Hi, keke.
Thank you for quick reply.

Look, at this PDU from debug log:

which I've just converted it with :

Seems it's completely ok as DCS is set to 00 (7 bit)...
I've also tried to send it from my handset with no result.

Also when the GPS device send a message preceeded with "@" it's somehow converted and stored in file as "<A1>". Alphabet is set to ISO in this incoming message. What this may mean?


May 2009
Location: Jyväskylä, Finland
des wrote
Seems it's completely ok as DCS is set to 00 (7 bit)...
I've also tried to send it from my handset with no result.

Yes, it look ok. It sounds like your GPS Tracker does not handle characters correctly. What type and model is this device?

des wrote
Also when the GPS device send a message preceeded with "@" it's somehow converted and stored in file as "<A1>". Alphabet is set to ISO in this incoming message. What this may mean?

ISO is the internal alphabet of smsd. Incoming messages are converted to ISO and UTF-8, if necessary.

Can you show the incoming PDU with an explanation what it should contain?

Also, what is your locale?

Mar 2010
Location: Russian Federation
Topic owner
Hi Keke,
Thank you for reply.

The GPS tracker is highly customized indeed.
The problem is almost clear for me and resides ot the tracker's side.
Most probably this tracker uses ISO 8-bit encoding but put "TP_DCS:00" field into PDU.
So smsd handles incoming message written in 8-bit as 7-bit message. Special symbols are interpreted wrongly in this case.
I sent an e-mail to tracker's SW developper. Now waiting for final clarification.

BTW my locale is UTF-8.

Many thanks and best regards,

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