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[outdated] Mutimodem isms .Multitech

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Author Post
Apr 2010
Location: Buenos Aires, Argentina
Operating system name and version: cygwin in windows XP
Version of smsd: smstools 3-3.1.7beta5
Smsd installed from: sources
Name and model of a modem / phone: MTSMC-G-F4
Interface: IP 5000/5001/5002/5003/5004/5005/5006/5007


I need some help . I want to connect a sms server Multitech with 8 modems MTSMC-G-F4 Wavecom with the smstools3 software

The reason is : the web interface of this equipment is very poor, and don´t give any reports of failures in sending messages.

But the problem is : I don´t know anything about linux, but I download the software cygwin and the smstools3 software and install it

I try the configuration of only one modem (the first) with the device = @ 5000, but the information of etc/var/smsd log said:

GSM1: Cannot open serial port @, error: No such file or directory

¿Can anybody help me?, or better ¿can give me a complete example of the smsd.conf file that I need?

I need a report of each sms I send.

Thanks very much.

May 2009
Location: Jyväskylä, Finland
Type which smsd and smsd -V to see what version of smsd is in your path. Perhaps in your computer there is some older package than 3.1.7beta5 installed. If that's the issue, go to the src directory of a 3.1.7beta5 and type cp smsd `which smsd`.

Sockets were tested successfully under Cygwin and should work. Your error message "Cannot open serial port..." is from previous versions of smsd. Version 3.1.7beta5 should say "Couldn't open serial port...". Because of this, I assume that you have older version in your path.

Apr 2010
Location: Buenos Aires, Argentina
Topic owner

Thanks for your concern

Its possible I commeted an error in compile the archives

I didnt get any answer to the command smsd -v.

¿how can erase completly the version I have in Cygwing, and reload the newest version?



May 2009
Location: Jyväskylä, Finland
lextor wrote
Its possible I commeted an error in compile the archives

Do you mean that you got some error while compiling, and then disabled usage of inet socket in the Makefile?

lextor wrote
I didnt get any answer to the command smsd -v.

It's smsd -V (upcase).

lextor wrote
how can erase completly the version I have in Cygwing, and reload the newest version?

Go to the directory where smstools3 is located. rm -rf smstools3 and extract the package again: tar -zxvf smstools3-3.1.7beta5.tar.gz. Then cd smstools3/src and make.

If you see any error while compiling, show those errors here.

After compiled smsd successfully, start it with ./smsd.

Apr 2010
Location: Buenos Aires, Argentina
Topic owner

Thansk for your answers and for your patience

I reload smstools3 last beta version, and now I can connect with the server and with the modem.

Also I get a sms in my phone using the smstools3 and the server

I have now another problems, (I just looking in the web for a solution)

I put in the configuration file "report = yes", because I need the information if the sms is sending correctly.

but , I not get any report. I assume is not a problem of the modem. ¿Isn´t?

Another question : What format in th outgoing folder I need to use for : some destinations numers (a lot ), with only one text to all.

and some destinations numbers with one text to each number.

Again thanks for your concern


May 2009
Location: Jyväskylä, Finland
lextor wrote
I put in the configuration file "report = yes", because I need the information if the sms is sending correctly.

but , I not get any report. I assume is not a problem of the modem. Isn´t?

You need to define an init string which contains proper CNMI setting. This setting varies by modems. Do you have a manual of AT Commands of your device?

lextor wrote
Another question : What format in th outgoing folder I need to use for : some destinations numers (a lot ), with only one text to all.

Check this topic: Multiple recipients in single SMS file. Define that script as a checkhandler. Also check that you have formail available. Type which formail, and it it's not available, you need to install procmail package using the Cygwin setup program.

lextor wrote
and some destinations numbers with one text to each number.

Just create message files with one destination. Remember to use unique names for each message file.

May 2009
Location: Jyväskylä, Finland
I found some manual for Multitech...

Try these settings for modems:

init = AT+CNMI=2,0,0,2,0
primary_memory = SM
secondary_memory = SR

Apr 2010
Location: Buenos Aires, Argentina
Topic owner
Dear Keke

You are a very useful person for me , and I am very happy to found you.

I get the reports, and I get the multi destination files and it´s works very good.

Thanks a lot for all this information, I reduce my wasted time with this.

If you don´t mind, I ask you another question

After the test, I prepare th smsd.conf with the 8 modems of the server

(ports 5000,5001 an so on..5007)

And put 8 messages in the outoing folder.

The equipment sent the 8 sms, to my phone, and get the 8 reports,

but in the smsd.log I found that the unique modem that send the messages is the 8.

¿ I need another setting to use the 8 modems at the same time?

Again, thanks a lot for your help

May 2009
Location: Jyväskylä, Finland
lextor wrote
but in the smsd.log I found that the unique modem that send the messages is the 8.

I think that your smsd.conf is correct, but perhaps it's still useful to see it here, so I can check it.

Show also the log, starting from the begin where smsd was started, and including the handling of messages. You can use Pirvate tags to protect the log, if necessary. The log could be long, but it does not matter.

Apr 2010
Location: Buenos Aires, Argentina
Topic owner
Dear Keke_

Here you have the smsd conf, and the smsd.log



« Last edit by keke on Mon Apr 19, 2010 17:03, 173 months ago. »
May 2009
Location: Jyväskylä, Finland
Your setup is not correct because there are settings defined multiple times and the latest setting only is used by smsd. In the version 3.2 there will be checking for duplicate settings, which will prevent this kind of a problem, but it's yet not available.

Here is a new setup for you, I have also used [default] section for settings which are the same for all modems:

devices = GSM1, GSM2, GSM3, GSM4, GSM5, GSM6, GSM7, GSM8
logfile = /var/log/smsd.log
loglevel = 7

incoming = yes
init = AT+CNMI=2,0,0,2,0
primary_memory = SM
secondary_memory = SR
report = yes

device = @

device = @

device = @

device = @

device = @

device = @

device = @

device = @
'smsdconf' Syntax Highlight powered by GeSHi

Apr 2010
Location: Buenos Aires, Argentina
Topic owner
Dear Keke:

Thank you very much for your information.

You was a very great help to my work.

The server is running with a database I prepare, and is sending about 7 or 8 sms per minute (the sms lenght is 155 caract.)

I hope that the speed increase, but the most important issue is I am getting the reports ( 75 % of the total reports arrive at 10 or 15 minutes of sending)

and all the reports are OK.

Again, thanks a lot, and I hope don´t disturb you for a long time.


May 2009
Location: Jyväskylä, Finland
Good to hear that your system works well now 8) .

Because of the GSM technology, much more than 8 - 9 SMS per minute (almost full sized single part messages) cannot be sent. But more modems give more power... ;)

Time for receiving the reports sounds long. Perhaps you could decrease the delaytime setting, for example to 2 or 1 seconds (it's a global setting). The default is 10 seconds and your SIM's (or MT's) can be filled up when sending lots of messages and then receiving lots of status reports. The setting receive_before_send = yes may also help. Anyway, that's "fine tuning"...

Your log file is growing with 8 modems, and after the system is up and tested, it's recommended to change the loglevel = notice and set smart_logging = yes. With these settings the log does not grow, but if something abnormal happens, all the communication can be seen in the smsd_trouble.log.

I wish you a pleasant and powerfull messaging with SMSTools3... 8) ;)

Apr 2010
Location: Buenos Aires, Argentina
Topic owner
Hello keke

Sorry , but I need again your help

The sistem seems very slow.

The log shows that each modems send a sms at 45 or 50 seconds.
And show a lot of request and wait for answers

I put here a lot of lines and I have a .rar file , I can send you if you like (¿do you have a email to this?)

Thanks a lot for your help and forgiveme

« Last edit by keke on Tue Apr 20, 2010 16:46, 173 months ago. »
May 2009
Location: Jyväskylä, Finland
It does not look extremely slow, but the log you posted had only one message sent.

You could send a large log to me for checking, but use .tar.gz instead of .rar format.

I show the instructions in a Private block:

Hidden private text.

Apr 2010
Location: Buenos Aires, Argentina
Topic owner
Dear Keke

I upload the file to you


May 2009
Location: Jyväskylä, Finland

With a fast view, typical time for sending with each modem is 8 ... 13 seconds, which is normal.

However, in some cases the sending time is more than 30 seconds and this is because there has been a CMS ERROR. That error looks strange, because after waiting 10 seconds, the second try worked and message was sent. I did not yet check status reports, but will check later.

I will examine the log more deeply tomorrow. There is some "unexpected input", which seems to be an answer for smsd, but in a wrong place. Perhaps the speed and load is too much for that device, or there is something in the IP communication which causes errors. I try to check this too.

Apr 2010
Location: Buenos Aires, Argentina
Topic owner
Thanks you very much


May 2009
Location: Jyväskylä, Finland
Do you have a type code of the device which is holding those modules and provides a LAN connection? And do you have the manual for it, or link to it?

From the log it can be seen that all devices have sent messages. Devices GSM1, GSM2 and GSM4 have sent about 25% more messages than other devices. At the same time, only devices GSM2 and GSM4 had delays and CMS errors. The error is +CMS ERROR: 304 (Invalid PDU mode parameter), which usually means that the PDU is broken because of a communication failure. It is significant that this error does not happen with other devices. Probably there are some settings which are different, or those two devices are bad or broken.

Is it possible to swap those modules, for example GSM2 with GSM7 and GSM4 with GSM8 and check how the sending works?

If this is not possible, or has no effect, perhaps swapping of some SIM cards could be tried too.

There is also lot of "Unexpected input". Some devices have nothing, and some have only one, but devices GSM2 and GSM4 have lot of it. Most of, but not all, unexpected input is an answer to the query of a signal quality. In most cases this answer was already received correctly, and it seems that because of some reason the device is just sending the answer again. A problem with TCP/IP could cause this, but in that case the problem should happen with all modems, not just with GSM2 and GSM4.

Have you monitored a load of network, for example using some managed switch which can show graphs and error counters?

There is also few CME errors (device busy), but (again) only with devices GSM2 and GSM4. After the PDU is sent, modem answer with this error after couple of seconds, but later the message id is received as an unexpected input. It seems that the message was sent, but smsd does not know it because the initial answer was an error. Therefore smsd will retry the sending, and the second try works.

Right now it seems that if you just disable GSM2 and GSM4, the problems are gone. But it's not a solution...

Apr 2010
Location: Buenos Aires, Argentina
Topic owner
Dear Keke:

I want to share with you a result of a test I made.

- I leave only one modem in the smsd.log and send 100 sms

Result : 1 sms per 9,75 s. (100 sms in 975 s)

With two modems

Result : 1 sms per 5 s. (- 2,6 %). (100 sms in 500 s.)

With 3 modems

Result : 1 sms per 3,94 s (-17,5 %) (100 sms in 394 s.)

With 4 modems

Result : 1 sms per 2,96 s. (-21,4 %) (100 sms in 296 s)

With 5 modems

Result : 1sms per 3,32 s.(-137%) (100 sms in 332 s.)

and after that I put the 8 modems

Result: 1 sms per 10,99 s ( -900 % (100 sms in 1099 s.)

Is evident a congestion problem (I don´t kmow where)

In the first place, I had the connection trhoug a Router. I put away the router and connect directly the server to a Pc. and the result are very similar

I reset all the modems,clear its memory and try again. The same result.

It seems tha the "conversation" with the modems increased a lot with the numbers of them. But the useful time decreases very much.

What is your opinion about that ?

Thanks Lextor

May 2009
Location: Jyväskylä, Finland
lextor wrote
I want to share with you a result of a test I made.

Thanks. Did you check the sending time from the log? Does this time, for example 975 s, include all what processes were doing?

I assume that you presented a time from starting the sending, to the time when the last message was sent. Average sending times are then: 1: 9,75 s, 2: 10 s, 3: 11,82 s, 4: 11,84 s, 5: 16,6 s, ..., 8: 87,92 s, but this makes no sense. With your previous log (sent to me) the average sending time was not more than 30 s. I have not counted the actual average time, but when the maximum time was about 30 s, the average must be much lower.

There must be some errors with some modems.

Did you swap devices as I suggested? If you did, what was the result? Are the same devices, which previously were GSM2 and GSM4, still creating error messages into the log?

lextor wrote
I put away the router and connect directly the server to a Pc.

Ok, that "server", does it have any "type code" or anything which can identify it? I could try to find the manual and specifications, if I know what to search...

lextor wrote
It seems tha the "conversation" with the modems increased a lot with the numbers of them. But the useful time decreases very much.

What is your opinion about that ?

As there is a CPU in that "server", the load may have an impact on performance. But I do not believe that natural change can be -900%.

I have mentioned previously about modems GSM2 and GSM4. Can you make a test without those modems ( = with 6 modems) and store the log. Then make a test with those modems only ( = 2 modems), and store the log again. You can send the logs to me, if you want.

Apr 2010
Location: Buenos Aires, Argentina
Topic owner

I will prepare to you several logs (with 1,2,3 and so on modems)

I my test I did'nt include Gsm2 and GMS4, until the last test of 8 modems

The elapsed time is between the first message of sms sent , until the 100th message of sms sent.

I will send you the manual of the equipment and the manual of the modem itself

The equipment is a isms Multimodem server from. Multitech (8 modems)

I didn´t see in the last test if the gsm4 and gsm2 modems have several errrors. I check that in a new test..

Thank you again for your patience


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