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[answered] Newline representation question

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Author Post
May 2010
Location: United States of America
How does SMSTool3 represent newlines? How many characters does a newline take in the message?

I have a php script that counts characters from a textbox. I'm trying to program client/server side validation. I need to know how SMSTools represents newlines(\n, \r\n, 0×0A)...and how many characters a new line represents in the message to adequately notify the user.



May 2009
Location: Jyväskylä, Finland
SMSTools3 does not handle newline characters in a specific manner, they go through as they are presented in the message file,

Your PHP script should use just \n for a newline, \r is not required. A newline then represents single character.

When counting characters, note that extended characters are escaped and use two characters (GSM 03.38 character set).

In the version 3.1.7 there is an option trim_text available and it defaults to yes. SMSTools3 will remove any whitespaces from the end of a text. This is useful when a message is written in an editor that adds a line break to end of file.

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