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[outdated] SLES 11 UTF-8 problem

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Author Post
Dec 2009
Location: NiNo, Russian Federation
Operating system name and version: SLES 11.0
Version of smsd: 3.1.11
Smsd installed from: tar.gz
Name and model of a modem / phone:GSM modem simens
Interface: serial

Good system time! Long history of using your product and very pleased with it. Proceed directly to the case. I have a few GSM gateways for SLES 10 SP3 encoded UTP-8. Today I put slesl 11.0 and threw it smstuls3 1911 version and what I found, if the sles 10 all works ok, but it is in writing Russian sms tektsovom mode sendsms 79464xxx hello? then in the outbox I get a readable word hello, but on sles 11 it somehow before sending encoded in unicodebig. Because of this, my scripts do not work, because if I put in the Outbox file encoding UTP-8 system begins to swear when sending and accordingly did not come (((

« Last edit by Eagle on Mon Jul 26, 2010 14:37, 170 months ago. »
Dec 2009
Location: NiNo, Russian Federation
Topic owner
trying to send
To: 7951915xxxxxx


and get a log smsd

2010-07-26 18:39:48,5, GSM0: Cannot convert 4. character ▒ 0xFFFFFF80 to GSM, yo u might need to update the translation tables.
2010-07-26 18:39:54,5, GSM0: SMS sent, Message_id: 12, To: 795191xxxxx, sending time 6 sec.
2010-07-26 18:39:54,3, GSM0: Exec: eventhandler encountered errors:
2010-07-26 18:39:54,3, GSM0: ! iconv: incomplete character or shift sequence at end of buffer

May 2009
Location: Jyväskylä, Finland
On SLES 10, did you also run the version 3.1.11 of smsd? And everything worked fine, as you told? With both alphabets?

I think that probably I do not understand your explanation correctly :(.

Eagle wrote
To: 7951915xxxxxx


You cannot send this kind of a message. The smsd tries to convert it to the GSM alphabet, but those letters are not available.

If the text is encoded in Unicodebig, you could just use the header Alphabet: UCS.

Are you using some checkhandler? If on SLES 10 you used some checkhandler, did you copy it to the new system?

There is also an error from eventhandler, but I cannot know what causes this, because I do not know what actions are done in your code.

Dec 2009
Location: NiNo, Russian Federation
Topic owner
Greet! Let me explain in my broken English :-) Yes, I just picked up and moved smsd.konf on sles 11.0 in the hope that it will work, but no. Yes I am using version 3.1.11 of FDRS on sles sles 10 and 11.0, but the whole problem is that for some reason slesd10 in outbox messages readable in Russian but in sles 11 it encodes them in unicodebig. Chetshandler use and there and there. On sles 10 all ok.

May 2009
Location: Jyväskylä, Finland
How do you create messages into the "outbox" (/var/spool/sms/outgoing directory)? I assume that you have some process which will create messages, or you are just using some editor. You are not using the script sendsms from the scripts directory of a package, right?

The latest version of sendsms will handle character set conversion automatically, for example this will be sent using Unicode:

# sendsms 3584057XXXXX
Text: "Облетев Землю в корабле-спутнике, я увидел, как прекрасна наша планета. Люди, будем хранить и приумножать эту красоту, а не разрушать её!" -Yuri Gagarin.

I might be useful to see what is in your checkhandler.

Dec 2009
Location: NiNo, Russian Federation
Topic owner
Hi!!! I create a message from the script. Yes, I agree that if I dial sendsms from the command line, then everything is fine, but if I'm using the script simply handing the file to UTP-8 encoding, there is a problem. Such problems slesd10 I have never been :-(
I enclose my: chetshandler:

#! / Bin / sh

# Checkhandler for SMS Tools 3
# Autoconverts cyrillic messages to UCS-2BE
# Add checkhandler = / path / to / ucsautoconvert into global part of smsd.conf
# Written by lexy (, 2008

FILE = `mktemp / tmp / smsd_XXXXXX`

if [! `Grep '[A-Ha-I]' $ 1> / dev / null`-o `grep 'Alphabet: \ s * U' $ 1> / dev / null`]
then exit 0
cat $ 1 | awk '(if (NF == 0) (s = 1) if (s == 0 & & NF> 0 & & $ 0! ~ / Alphabet: [\ t] * U /) (print))'> $ FILE
echo Alphabet: UCS2>> $ FILE
# Cat $ 1 | awk '(if (NF == 0) (s = 1) if (s == 1) (print))' | iconv-t UCS-2BE>> $ FILE
echo "">> $ FILE
sed-e '1 ,/^$/ d '<$ 1 | iconv-f UTF8-t UNICODEBIG>> $ FILE
Mv $ FILE $ 1
Chmod 664 $ 1

Dec 2009
Location: NiNo, Russian Federation
Topic owner
Here is a log when adding a file directly to your outgoing

2010-07-26 23:27:25,3, smsd: Exec: checkhandler encountered errors:
2010-07-26 23:27:25,3, smsd:! grep: Invalid collation character
2010-07-26 23:27:25,5, smsd: Moved file / var/spool/sms/outgoing/11 to / var / spool / sms / checked
2010-07-26 23:27:33,5, GSM0: SMS sent, Message_id: 13, To: 7951xxxxxxx, sending time 8 sec.

May 2009
Location: Jyväskylä, Finland
Eagle wrote
Hi!!! I create a message from the script.

...and that script is causing the problem.

Sorry, but I cannot try to fix your script without seeing it. :roll:

Eagle wrote
Yes, I agree that if I dial sendsms from the command line, then everything is fine, but if I'm using the script simply handing the file to UTP-8 encoding, there is a problem. Such problems slesd10 I have never been :-(

Perhaps you was using different locale with SLES 10?

As the sendsms works properly, you could check how it does the conversion, and include that kind of a change in your original script. After this you do not need any checkhandler.

Eagle wrote
I enclose my: chetshandler:

As you can see from the log, your checkhandler just does not work properly. I am surprised that it has never worked.

Dec 2009
Location: NiNo, Russian Federation
Topic owner
Welcome! Sorry for the long absence)) sat versed with scripts. I found an interesting thing. Tell me and I had made some changes in smsd associated with encoding. I just compared the 2 files sendsms and noticed differences, but that's honestly do not understand how it works and why it works on other servers. If you read the above _ I raised sles 11 and faced with the coding was not able to solve it put sles 10 and my problem remains! Rummaging in the scripts I see the new lines in sendsms

echo "-"
echo "Text: $ TEXT"

if which iconv> / dev / null 2> &1; then
if! $ ECHO-n "$ TEXT" | iconv-t ISO-8859-15> / dev / null 2> &1; then
ALPHABET = "Alphabet: UCS"
TEXT = `$ ECHO-n" $ TEXT "| iconv-t UNICODEBIG`

owner = ""

There is clearly receding, the old do not. Why and text files are placed in the Outbox in normal UTP-8 encoding. Maybe something needs to be changed when compiling smstools? Rewrite the scripts very difficult, they have great.

Dec 2009
Location: NiNo, Russian Federation
Topic owner
Yes, the problem in the script sendsms
If you use peremnnuyu checkhandler = / usr / local / bin / ucsautoconvert
you need to ispolzovapt sendsms old, but if it is not used, it is better the new version as described in perdyduschem post.

May 2009
Location: Jyväskylä, Finland
Try this version of sendsms on both servers. Does it make any difference?

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