Operating system name and version: win, linux
Version of smsd: none
Smsd installed from: not installed
Name and model of a modem / phone: none
Interface: none
english is not my native language so please have some pation.
i am currently developing a application. members of a group are telling on witch place a speed measurment currently is. the group has about 4000 members (and growing) the aplication works like this. a php webpage, the member can enter the location (via textfield or google map) and mark the speed-trap. location is stored in database. all others should recive a message. currently a mail. but i would like to send users witch give their mobile number a sms. so i searched the i-net and found some comercial products and this page. assuming i have a gsm-card using simcard ( with sms flatrate) in a linux box. how many sms can sms server tool send in one minute.