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#1 Thu May 24, 2012 09:52, 155 months ago.
Registered: May 2012
Location: Germany
I found an odd behaviour using smstools 3.1.14 under OpenWRT, it looks like smsd doesn't recognise the AT+CREG answer correctly: Also tried changing baudrate, rtscts without success. If I put check_network=0 into the modem config everything works fine! With the same USB-Stick (HUAWEI Vendor=12d1 ProdID=1436), config, location but smstools 3.1.11 under x86-Debian it works fine without check_network=0 ?! Any clues? Michael
#2 Thu May 24, 2012 09:58, 155 months ago.
Registered: May 2012
Location: Germany
Topic owner
Just an update, using 3.1.11 it's also working fine under OpenWRT, so the problem must be between >3.1.11 to 3.1.14
#3 Wed Dec 24, 2014 03:16, 124 months ago.
Registered: Dec 2014
Location: United States of America
I had the same problem going from version 3.1.12 to 3.1.15. Registration was detected successfully in 3.1.12, but in 3.1.15 I kept getting the "MODEM IS NOT REGISTERED, WAITING 1 SEC..." message. Device is Zoom 4595 (1c9e:9603). Narrowed it down to modeminit.c starting on line 2064 where new code was added for 3.1.14. That code replaces the first \r (Carriage Return) with a comma. This breaks the rest of the code looking for ",1". Once the "*p = ',';" line is commented out, the registration works again with 3.1.15. The answer from modem is "AT+CREG?\r\r\n+CREG: 0,1\r\n\r\nOK\r\n". As mentioned in a different thread (, turning echo off with "init = ATE0" also makes it work with 3.1.15 as the answer from modem becomes "+CREG: 0,1\r\n\r\nOK\r\n" instead which passes.