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Smstools3 not receive sms!

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Dec 2012
Location: Cáceres, Brazil
Operating system name and version: ubuntu-12.04.1
Version of smsd: smstools3
Smsd installed from: sources
Name and model of a modem / phone: huawei e303c modem 3G
Interface: USB

This smsd.conf and my configuration is standard and I can send but not receive sms already done everything but did not get:

devices = GSM1, GSM2
outgoing = /var/spool/sms/outgoing
checked = /var/spool/sms/checked
failed = /var/spool/sms/failed
incoming = /var/spool/sms/incoming
report = /var/spool/sms/report
sent = /var/spool/sms/sent
loglevel = 7
alarmlevel = 4
delaytime = 4
errorsleeptime = 10
blocktime = 3600
stats = /var/log/sms/stats
stats_interval = 2
receive_before_send = yes
# autosplit 0=no 1=yes 2=with text numbers 3=concatenated
autosplit = 3
# store_received_pdu 0=no, 1=unsupported, 2=unsupported and 8bit, 3=all
#store_received_pdu = 1
user = root

OTHER = /var/spool/sms/OTHER

OTHER = 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9

#init = AT+CPMS=.ME.,.ME.,.ME. #AT^SYSCFG=2,2,3fffffff,0,2
device = /dev/ttyUSB2
pin = 1010
incoming = yes
queues = OTHER
mode = new
#smsc = 491722270000
baudrate = 9600
rtscts = yes
cs_convert = yes
report = yes
memory_start = 1
signal_quality_ber_ignore = yes
check_memory_method = 1
memory_start = 0

#init = AT+CPMS=.ME.,.ME.,.ME. #AT+CNMI=1,0,0,2,0
device = /dev/ttyUSB5
pin = 1010
incoming = yes
queues = OTHER
mode = new
#smsc = 491710760000
baudrate = 9600
rtscts = yes
cs_convert = yes
report = yes
memory_start = 1
signal_quality_ber_ignore = yes
check_memory_method = 1
memory_start = 0
'smsdconf' Syntax Highlight powered by GeSHi

log file not found no error and still can not receive any sms, I'm using playsms and still in the inbox aparce not anything else and that is the directories where the files inbox, outbox, sent, has no archive. I need help please thanks.

Dec 2012
Location: Cáceres, Brazil
Topic owner

no tengo a nadie que me pueda ayudar con este problema necesitan recibir sms y no puedo

does not have anyone who can help me with this problem need to receive sms and I can not

Jan 2013
Location: Tegucigalpa, Francisco Morazan, Honduras
Hola Rodrigo:

El daemon de smsd hace con tu módem lo que le pidas y su lenguaje son los comandos Hayes.
Es decir; es posible que debas incluir lineas AT particulares en la inicialización de cada módem (etc/smsd.conf).

En mi caso (modem ZTE) uso las siguientes lineas:

La primera linea le indica al módem que el formato SMS sera texto y la segunda le indica donde guardar los SMS entrantes (la mas relevante para tu caso).

Intenta inicialmente insertando estas dos lineas; descomenta (#) las lineas init= bajo cada encabezado de modem ([GSM1] y [GSM2] en inserta las dos lineas que te copie.

Los comandos Hayes fueron adoptados por la ITU como estándar para telefonía celular (GSM, UMTS, LTE) sin embargo es posible que tu módem use algunos comandos AT particulares del "vendor" (Huawei); por lo que la mejor opción para troubleshooting, si no te funcionan estas lineas estándar, sera probar directamente desde tu módem y la consola serial buscando referencia particular AT para tu módem (puedes usar minicom, dev/ttyUSB5 o dev/ttyUSB2, baudrate = 9600) aplicando comandos AT compatibles con tu módem.
ej (post).

Mucha suerte..!

May 2009
Location: Jyväskylä, Finland
Your SIM card is filled up with messages. However, ME is preferred memory for reading, at that time.

Try with init = AT+CPMS="SM","SM","SM"

Dec 2012
Location: Cáceres, Brazil
Topic owner
thank you all but I decided to leave the commented line even now is receiving and sending normally required

gracias a todos pero me decidí a salir de la línea comentada hasta ahora está recibiendo y enviando requiere normalmente

« Last edit by rodrigofsantos on Sat Jan 05, 2013 14:14, 148 months ago. »

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