Good way to solve this small problem is to set group to dialer. But here is problem.
Smsd doesn't do it. Wether you set it in commandline args or in config file. No way. It just runs as uucp:uucp.
Here is config:
# cat smsd.conf
devices = GSM1
logfile = /var/log/smsd/smsd.log
loglevel = 7
stats = /var/spool/sms/stats
stats_interval = 0
user = uucp
group = dialer
device = /dev/ttyU0.2
init = AT^CURC=0
ussd_convert = 2
read_timeout = 10
devices = GSM1
logfile = /var/log/smsd/smsd.log
loglevel = 7
stats = /var/spool/sms/stats
stats_interval = 0
user = uucp
group = dialer
device = /dev/ttyU0.2
init = AT^CURC=0
ussd_convert = 2
read_timeout = 10
'smsdconf' Syntax Highlight powered by GeSHi
Here is commandline args which were set at start
# ps ax | grep sms
21804 - Ss 0:00.09 /usr/local/bin/smsd -c/usr/local/etc/smsd.conf -p/var/run/smsd/ -i/var/run/smsd/smsd.working -l/var/log/smsd/smsd.log -uuucp -gdialer
21805 - I 0:00.00 /usr/local/bin/smsd -c/usr/local/etc/smsd.conf -p/var/run/smsd/ -i/var/run/smsd/smsd.working -l/var/log/smsd/smsd.log -uuucp -gdialer
21804 - Ss 0:00.09 /usr/local/bin/smsd -c/usr/local/etc/smsd.conf -p/var/run/smsd/ -i/var/run/smsd/smsd.working -l/var/log/smsd/smsd.log -uuucp -gdialer
21805 - I 0:00.00 /usr/local/bin/smsd -c/usr/local/etc/smsd.conf -p/var/run/smsd/ -i/var/run/smsd/smsd.working -l/var/log/smsd/smsd.log -uuucp -gdialer
'smsdconf' Syntax Highlight powered by GeSHi
But in log it tells uucp:uucp
# head /var/log/smsd/smsd.log
2013-10-23 11:21:06,2, smsd: Smsd v3.1.15 started.
2013-10-23 11:21:06,2, smsd: Running as uucp:uucp.
2013-10-23 11:21:06,2, smsd: Smsd v3.1.15 started.
2013-10-23 11:21:06,2, smsd: Running as uucp:uucp.
'smsdconf' Syntax Highlight powered by GeSHi
As result it doesn't have access to gsm modem.
How to make it set group to dialer?
P.S. I know about possible workarounds. But, the problem is smsd ignores groups option.
« Last edit by timp on Wed Oct 23, 2013 07:50, 138 months ago. »